Sunday, June 20, 2010

Latest Rant

Tonight I attended a meeting in which I heard and saw things that only collaborate what I have been trying to get through to people all along. We are not just individuals, but much more than that. We are all a part of a much greater picture.  We are all connected not to just one another but to everything! The time has come for people to wake up and realize that they are not alone. The power of one can be very powerful indeed. Something I heard tonight rang true...

When there is a standing ovation it always starts with just one person taking that first step and standing up alone. Funny thing is after that one person there are many who follow. So you see by just one person taking that first step others will follow. 

I also found that when we are by ourselves we tend to believe that we are alone in our thoughts and that no one can possible feel as we do. However when you sit down with a group of people and start discussing things you come to find that you are not alone in the way you think or feel. There are others with the same feelings and thoughts as your own. We have been raised in a society that leads us to these feelings of loneliness.  I for one feel that this is just a way for the man to place control over us. It is the same as with education. Now before I continue with what I am about to say let me include this one thing, I am not against education as it is meant to be as apart of our lives. What I do believe is that education as it is enforced upon us is just a way for the man from keeping us from allowing us to express who we truly are as individuals. We all start out with our own unique individuality only to be reprogrammed so to speak. Once we enter into school age we are placed into institutional prisons that teach us that we are to think, feel and obey how the man wants us to.  We are never suppose to ask those questions. Here lies the problem. Why should we conform? Who are they to tell us that what and how we think is wrong? 

I have two granddaughters and a nephew who are very dear to my heart. These children never cease to amaze me with just how much they do get it. It goes to show that what I have believed about children all along is to be true. It is them that we can learn so much from. They come to us with their eyes wide open and then there are those among us who want to close their eyes. These are the ones who in my honest opinion have great fears. I for one do not have those fears. I see these children as our hope. They are by far more intelligent than those who are trying to stop them. It is their future that we are destroying, should they not have some say in how things are done? You stop and say to me that they are but mere children, what can they possibly know? I say to you step back and take a deep look into your soul, do you not see yourself at a time when you were that child?  What happened to that child? He or she is still there. You just have to dig a little deeper to find yourself and break the chains that have held you hostage for far too long!

I end this rant simply by asking one thing of time you think or feel that you can not do anything to make a difference, thin k again. Be that one person who takes that first step. If I have not taken it before you I will surely be the next one following your step. Together we not only can but will make a difference. I am not doing the things that I do for myself. I do everything for our future generations. I want them to be able to live in a world that is not only green and beautiful but a world of peace. That is my purpose for being here, to make sure I do everything possible to make that happen.

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