Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Losing a Piece of Yourself

The time has arrived that I have been fearing for sometime now. My youngest son was deployed last night for Iraq. I have had 19 years to prepare myself for this day but let me tell you that all the preparing in the world does not come close to getting you ready for this day. I feel as if a piece of myself has been ripped from my very soul. What makes this situation even harder to deal with is knowing that my son does not want to be where he is going because he does not feel that the reasons are good ones. I am not only concerned for his life but for his state of mind as well. 

How is it that there are some of us that can see the much bigger picture and realize that fighting wars is not the answer? When will others wake up and see that we are all a part of one another and that by harming others we are harming ourselves in the process? Until that day we will not see a world that I so dream of seeing. A world of peace and harmony. 

I leave you today with much blessings and love being sent from me to you. Feel the love and pass it along, including to the stranger you meet on the street.


1 comment:

  1. Even though Josh may not be my biological offspring, I've developed deep connections to him over the years. My concerns, while never as deep as his Mother's are, are nonetheless intense. I pray for his safe return, and for the safe return of all of our children from war, and an end to the madness that is war.



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