Sunday, March 14, 2010

Feelings of the Day

Here are some of my thoughts for today. Feel free to leave a comment. 

I sit here as the day is coming to yet another end and my wondering mind once again leads me to thoughts of how we live our lives. Some think that I am a dreamer because I dream of a day when we will live in a world of peace. I ask, if not for those of us who do have dreams where would some of us be now?

There are three souls which are no longer a part of this physical world whose lives, dreams and insights have made a great difference to me throughout my own life. Jesus, Martin Luther King, Jr., and John Lennon. They may not physically be present any longer but their spirits remain among us each and every day. They were three very special souls whom each had a message not unlike one another. Yet the world as we know it was not ready for the message that they had and in which they tried to deliver. 

I wake each and every day living my life according to their message. I go about spreading love and peace to all who enter into my presence and can only hope that each soul that comes in contact with me walks away with a small piece of my offering and passes it on. As the saying goes, you have to plant a seed before the tree will grow. That is what I do while traveling on my journey. Plant a little seed each day and wait for the forest of enlightenment to grow. 

What a wonderful world it will be!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I "awakened" some time ago, and felt like the lone stranger for many years. It is so refreshing to find a like-minded voyager willing to share her insights on a blog like this. Thanks, Waterwoman!

    Just another Son of a Beach!


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