Wednesday, March 24, 2010


It just amazes me each and every day how some people just either seem to be totally brainless/clueless. There is not a day that goes by that I encounter someone who blows me away with how lost and unaware they really are to all that is around them and how they are connected to it all. Sometimes I just want to get on top of a building and scream at the top of my lungs...

WAKE THE F*&K UP!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Losing a Piece of Yourself

The time has arrived that I have been fearing for sometime now. My youngest son was deployed last night for Iraq. I have had 19 years to prepare myself for this day but let me tell you that all the preparing in the world does not come close to getting you ready for this day. I feel as if a piece of myself has been ripped from my very soul. What makes this situation even harder to deal with is knowing that my son does not want to be where he is going because he does not feel that the reasons are good ones. I am not only concerned for his life but for his state of mind as well. 

How is it that there are some of us that can see the much bigger picture and realize that fighting wars is not the answer? When will others wake up and see that we are all a part of one another and that by harming others we are harming ourselves in the process? Until that day we will not see a world that I so dream of seeing. A world of peace and harmony. 

I leave you today with much blessings and love being sent from me to you. Feel the love and pass it along, including to the stranger you meet on the street.


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Feelings of the Day

Here are some of my thoughts for today. Feel free to leave a comment. 

I sit here as the day is coming to yet another end and my wondering mind once again leads me to thoughts of how we live our lives. Some think that I am a dreamer because I dream of a day when we will live in a world of peace. I ask, if not for those of us who do have dreams where would some of us be now?

There are three souls which are no longer a part of this physical world whose lives, dreams and insights have made a great difference to me throughout my own life. Jesus, Martin Luther King, Jr., and John Lennon. They may not physically be present any longer but their spirits remain among us each and every day. They were three very special souls whom each had a message not unlike one another. Yet the world as we know it was not ready for the message that they had and in which they tried to deliver. 

I wake each and every day living my life according to their message. I go about spreading love and peace to all who enter into my presence and can only hope that each soul that comes in contact with me walks away with a small piece of my offering and passes it on. As the saying goes, you have to plant a seed before the tree will grow. That is what I do while traveling on my journey. Plant a little seed each day and wait for the forest of enlightenment to grow. 

What a wonderful world it will be!!!!

Waking Up

I have begun this blog only in my deepest hopes of reaching other like minded beings that have woke up and are now trying to help others out there among us to just WAKE UP!

My hopes are that you not think of me as some ranting lunatic but can see the bigger picture that I am trying to help you open your eyes and mind to.

Come along with me on this journey and by all means speak freely!