Monday, February 14, 2011


I have an issue with education! It first began with my nephew when he started school and they wanted to "test" him because he was "different" from the other kids. Then when our granddaughter was just in preschool preparing to enter into kindergarten, her parents had to take her to see several different "doctors" for the same reasons. Labels, these are what society love to place upon those who don't conform to what society feels is "proper".

There are so many days that I would love to just scream at those who place these labels on those of us who are "different". However, if I was to do so, I would be "labeled" crazy, mad or insane.
Is it not time that society wake up and see that those of us that are "different" are more likely the ones who really have things figured out, and if left on our own we would most likely be the ones to make this world a much better place to live in? Haven't those who are always insisting that we conform learned anything yet? Sadly, no they haven't because they are still forcing their power over us.

Even now when I am an adult, I am being made to conform. I am having to endure the torment of taking classes that will be of no use to me in my life. I am having to be "educated" in areas in which I already have the knowledge to do what I am here to do. I am having to submit to "the man" just to obtain a piece of paper stating these facts. All for the sake of "society".

I ask you, what gives someone else the right to tell me or anyone else that their way is the only way? Is that not insane? It is all just a means for "the man" to keep a heavy hand on all of us and to help fill his already over-flowing pockets. Madness is what it is. Wow, look where that has got us to this point.

Open-minded souls-stand tall and shout loudly!