Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Thoughts

As I sit here early on this Memorial Day morning, preparing to attend our local Memorial Day parade and festivities, I cannot help but wonder why we ever had to designate a day for our loved ones who have lost their lives in battles and wars. I personally wish that we had more sense as a human race to realize that there is nothing, and yes I do mean nothing, so important in this world that we must find ourselves not only fighting over it but, killing one another as well.
When will we wake the f*^k up and realize that we are all in this together and that we are all connected to one another, regardless of our age, sex, or race. Do we all not have loved ones, fathers, mothers, children and so on? Do we not all want the same things for our loved ones, love, happiness, joy and peace? 

We all know that our planet is in a turmoil. Maybe it is as simple as our great Mother trying to get our attention and open our eyes to finally see that we are all the same even though we are different. Do we not all share the same planet? In killing ourselves we are also killing Her! 

There are so many times when I just want to slap people to wake them up to see with their own eyes what is truly going on around them and to show them that they CAN make a difference by not using violence to solve their problems. Many times I have found myself just wanting to go to a rooftop and scream at the top of my lungs to all those around me to simply...WAKE THE F&*K UP!!!!! Society however would lock me up and label me as a crazy person. I ask you, is it I who is the crazy one really? 
I leave you with this one final wish, prayer, hope...take the person near you and simply shake their hand, give them a hug or just smile at them and let them know that you care, that they are as important as yourself. Just be kind to one another and maybe, just maybe one day we will all wake up and we can create a new holiday...PEACE DAY!!!